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#3D #2D  #Tools #Shaders #Add-Ons  #Audio  #VFX  #Templates #All

VirgoC Console (FREE 100% OFF)

Vinicius Krieger Granemann tools/utilities

Customizable, extensible, and very easy to use. It's as easy as dropping a prefab on your scene! Add custom commands, receive command suggestion and autocompletion, change console size at playtime and more. Check it out

mincode (event system, variable system, level and scene management and more)

Cherry on Top tools/utilities

Clean the code, scenes and objects dependencies with the mincode solution, that will give a structure to your game's code and entities, with an orchestrated infrastructure (events, variables). Check it out

Runner Movement FREE (100% OFF)

Cherry on Top tools/input-management

Classic Runner Movements out of the box! Best implementation for mobile games, easy to use and performant. Most used movement techniques inside. Check it out

Combat Logic (health, mana, ammo, abilities, enemy ai and more) FREE (100% OFF)

Cherry on Top tools/utilities

Classic combat systems for you to kick off your game. Combat logic scripts and orchestration inside, with a rich demo to give examples of every piece of it. Check it out

UI Assistant 2.1 FREE (100% OFF)

LXJK01 tools/gui

Simplify the process of creating an animated, colorful, localized, and properly scaling UI for your project, and set up options to store users' preferences with ease! Check it out

Traffic Lights System SE (100% OFF)

Healthbar Games tools/game-toolkits

Perfect for realistic traffic setups. Simulates traffic light modules. Includes a manager for phase control, a phase component, and a traffic light module. Check it out

DOMJson FREE (100% OFF)

by Polar Opposites tools/utilities
Familiar to Python and web developers alike, DOM-style json parsing is the best way to read and write JSON files when you won't know the full structure beforehand. Check it out

Chain and Gear Generator FREE (100% OFF)

by Kaliper Tech tools/game-toolkits

This package is ideal for games seeking adaptable chain and gear mechanics, offering the capability to generate chains around designated gears that can be customized into various shapes. Check it out

Click Touch Swipe Controller Easy Use with Raycast FREE (100% OFF)

by ForceNCode tools/utilities

This package lets you contol Clicks, Touch, Swipe made with Raycast via events and simple methods. Compatibility: Desktop & mobile. Check it out

Play From Here FREE (100% OFF)

by Light Shaft tools/utilities

A tool to play your scene from the desired location like Unreal Engine does. Very usefull when you want to test your levels or specific features at specific location. Check it out

Furniture Low poly pack FREE (100% OFF)

by DIABULUSKIRA 3d/props/furniture

Low Poly Furniture pack. Good for both game design and interior design for both mobile and PC games. Contains 15 different furniture low poly models. Check it out

Simple VR Desktop Camera FREE (100% OFF)

by Xander Develops tools/gui

TextModifier is a component for modifying TextMeshPro text properties across all texts or selectively based on specific criteria like font and color. Check it out

Text Modifier Component - Ultimate UI Toolkit FREE (100% OFF)

by Xander Develops tools/gui

TextModifier is a component for modifying TextMeshPro text properties across all texts or selectively based on specific criteria like font and color. Check it out

TinySaveToolbox FREE (100% OFF)

by Room 805 tools/input-management

TinySaveToolbox’s (TST) is a input and out library library package meant to make storing and transmitting your game’s data fast, secure, and easy. Store, Load, Encrypt, and Compress data from your game with ease. Check it out

Wise Feline (Lite Utility AI) FREE (100% OFF)

by NoOp Army tools/behavior-ai

Wise Feline is a utility AI system which allows you to make immersive AI with ease. It works pretty well for agents with lots of actions and complex situations and has a great visual debugger. Check it out

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